Letter to Senator Walsh
Senator Walsh: I'm sure your email and voicemail have blown up over the past few days with responses to your comments regarding nurses, mandatory breaks, shift limits, and playing cards. I would like to add my voice to the cacophony you are experiencing. You see, I am a nurse. And I am proud to be a member of this community. As a nurse, I have spent hours at the bedside of patient who had been improving and suddenly became confused and combative due to an infection. I have stood at the bedside of a dying patient, pushing medication through his IV and listened to his family talk about they had taken care of him at home for as long as they could, but now they were realizing that there was nothing more to do. I have woken the doctor in the middle of the night because my patients blood pressure was plummeting and I needed to get him transferred to the ICU so he could get the stronger medication he needed. I have watched my patient wake up from a surgery and realize that his heart wa...