Renewing Your Nursing License (and finding CEUs)
Becoming a nurse is a big process! There's all the classes , tests , and clinicals of nursing school. Once you successfully complete that and graduate, then begins the process of the NCLEX . Finally that hurdle is past and you are officially a nurse! Yay you!! Now you can find the perfect job, and settle in to get your years of experience. But, don't forget, every 2 years you will need to renew your license! Be sure to check your state board of nursing website for exact details pertaining to your licensure. Typically, renewal involves proving your work hours, completing continuing education units (CEUs), filling out a form, and paying a fee. Some states also require a background check, so be sure to check ahead of time to see if you need to get fingerprinted. If you are working at a hospital, chances are you have been building your arsenal of completed CEUs without even realizing it. Every time you attend a training seminar, especially for a new procedure or medication, as...